Relevant aspects on information security management in the company.

By Global Trust Association

03 June, 2019 | 14:06hrs

Undoubtedly, information security is an important part of an organization, regardless of the industry to which it belongs, and is also part of risk management, an important aspect. Implementing an information security management system in the company allows guaranteeing the information protection, dealing with risk management from an information security perspective, and developing competitive advantages by turning this guarantee into a factor highly valued by customers and workers.

In an era where information flows globally and actively, having a management system related to the organization’s strategies also becomes a factor giving peace of mind in aspects related to data protection in general, and compliance with local and global regulations on related issues.

In this regard, staff should be made aware of developing and maintaining the 3 fundamental pillars of information security in the company:

  • Confidentiality: Guarantee access to information to authorized persons.
  • Integrity: Maintain complete and accurate information.
  • Availability: Ensure that people have access to the information they need at the right time.

Having an information security management system according to ISO 27001 is relevant for all those who work using and managing information.  In addition, as part of risk management, the criticality level of information will certainly depend on an analysis of the degree of relationship with the company activities.

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