Business Management

Certified Programme Management Professional (ISO21503)


The Programme Management Professional Certification based on ISO 21503:2022 aims to accredit whether the candidate has sufficient knowledge, skills and understanding of the concepts and practices for program management that are relevant to ensure successful program outcomes, and guarantee the benefits expected by the organization.

Aimed at

  • Members of the organization’s governing body, managers, chiefs or project leaders.
  • Managers, chiefs, leaders or analysts of business areas linked to project management, whether or not oriented towards technology management.
  • Professionals who wish to expand their knowledge in program management and all those interested in program management, either because they play specialized roles within a project or program team or are in charge of leading it.

Main Subjects

Overview of ISO 21503:2022

  • Introduction to Program Management
  • Exploring ISO 21503:2022

Scope and references of ISO 21503:2022

  • Scope of ISO 21503:2022
  • Terms and definitions

Contextual concepts for program management

  • Program concepts
  • Program management concepts

Prerequisites for program management

  • General guideline
  • Assessment of the need for program management
  • Implementation of program management in organizations
  • Program governance
  • Establishing program roles and responsibilities

Managing a program

  • General guidelines
  • Establishing a program
  • Program integration
  • Program management practices
  • Program control
  • Benefits management
  • Program closure

Final Approaches and Transition to Program Management

  • Program and project characteristics versus program management
  • Project Management vs. Program Management
  • Differentiated responsibilities between a project manager and a program manager
  • Final considerations


Duration: 60 minutes Number of questions: 30 (Multiple Choice) Minimum passing score: 65% Open book: No Electronic equipment allowed: No Level: Intermediate Available languages: English, Spanish Pre Requirements: No Types of supervision available: Live Proctoring
Believe Proctoring ₂O Second chance (free of charge): Yes Minimum passing score ₂O Second chance: 75%

Some organizations where
GTA certified professionals work

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