Influence of technology on data privacy.

By Global Trust Association

12 July, 2019 | 16:07hrs

Today, companies are creating and using large volumes of data of all kinds in order to better understand the customers and the market in general. In that regard, there are challenges and problems for information management and data protection.

Privacy can become a limiting condition for innovation and competitiveness as it can be threatened by new and better ways of collecting personal data, which makes companies hesitant to make new investments, especially in the technology sector, and mainly when new regulations are proposed and enacted.

Today, enterprises are focusing their efforts on ensuring data security and data loss prevention, making it a necessity to find data protection solutions to address internal and external threats, and which are focused on protecting sensitive data as it moves inside and outside enterprise networks and by various means, whether physical or logical.

Likewise, even though technology has a privileged place in the current business scenario to collect, process and manage information in general, based on new, and increasingly better tools and strategies, it is the people who interact with the technologies, use, and manage the data; therefore, one of the key factors is to understand the privacy objectives, principles, and rights in relation to data protection regulations (data protection laws in the countries and GDPR), to ensure the proper use of personal data, maintain value, and achieve the welfare of the company.

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