What are the main anti-bribery controls proposed by ISO 37001?

By Global Trust Association

14 August, 2019 | 23:08hrs

Bribery is one of the most complex challenges facing an organization and is now a widespread phenomenon globally. Governments have worked on various domestic and international agreements to deal with bribery; however, each organization is required to implement an Anti-Bribery Management System (AMS) having its controls to ensure that laws are applied internally, establishing an organizational culture of integrity, transparency, honesty, and compliance.

Among the main controls suggested by ISO 37001, we can find the following:

  • Due diligence: Process of assessing in more depth the nature and extent of the bribery risk and helping organizations make decisions regarding specific transactions, projects, activities, business partners, and staff.
  • Financial Control: Aimed at managing your financial transactions correctly and recording these transactions accurately, completely and on time.
  • Non-Financial Control: Aimed at helping ensure that commercial, procurement, operation, and other non-financial aspects of your activities are properly managed.
  • Provision of gifts, hospitality, donations, and similar benefits: The organization needs to be aware that gifts, hospitality, donations, and similar benefits may be perceived by a third party (e.g. competitor, media, prosecutor or judge) as a bribe even if the donor or recipient did not intend to do so. Thus, a useful control mechanism may be to avoid, as much as possible, any gift, hospitality, donation, or other similar benefits that could reasonably be perceived by a third party as a bribe.
  • Recruitment Process: The organization is responsible for communicating anti-bribery policies to all staff promptly, promoting and implementing procedures that enable it to take appropriate disciplinary action against staff who fails to comply with the AMS.
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