Card Sorting: Content categorization.

By Global Trust Association

30 October, 2019 | 00:10hrs

Card Sorting is one of the most used techniques within the innovation strategies of organizations seeking to impact and create a greater connection with their target audience. This technique consists of observing how users group and associate cards, organizing the contents related to a product and/or service.
Currently, there are two types of Card Sorting:

  • Open, which allows users to freely group cards into categories. Recommended for decision making at the design stage.
  • Closed, where groups of cards are already predefined so that the user can only categorize them where he or she deems most convenient. Recommended for evaluating the understanding of a classification by a user.

This way, the organization can restructure its business model by implementing this economic, fast, reliable, easy to moderate and to conduct technique, which encourages interaction with the target audience.
It also allows obtaining two types of results analysis: qualitative, looking for patterns within the groups created by the users, and quantitative, applying statistical techniques.
To improve effectiveness in developing a product or service, it is recommended to use this technique in conjunction with other information analysis activities.

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