Innovating with Design Thinking.

By Global Trust Association

23 October, 2019 | 23:10hrs

Current trends make way for new products and services, which need to be designed innovatively to be competitive. Design Thinking is an iterative process to generate ideas in a creative way, which focuses its effectiveness on understanding and solving problems and needs.
For organizations, it is no longer enough to be innovative by using technology. Today, there is a need to foster a culture of innovation that puts forward solutions ranging from “design” to “design thinking”, taking into account all the organization’s areas, customers, and suppliers, and involving them from research to start-up activities.
Under this approach, the organization promotes a creativity culture that impacts both its operation and the way it delivers value to consumers and users, enhancing continuous business innovation and generating competitive advantages.
Design Thinking is the perfect tool for organizations looking to create innovative solutions to complex problems. Through observation, empathy, and creativity, it seeks to find solutions generating multiple possibilities without prejudice, providing creative resolution ideas.

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