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The significance of definition
By Global Trust Association
08 April, 2019 | 15:04hrs
During the challenge of carrying out a process of searching for creative and innovative solutions to different problems or needs, the design thinking is an instrument used to conceptualize, and better yet, to clarify the customers and users’ needs in order to provide potential concrete solutions in a specific or particular situation.
If empathy was an important step to know, understand, and assimilate more diligently a need or problem, the next step should allow us to process, organize, and analyze the information gathered, as well as identify relationships and possible logic models allowing to converge in a series of main ideas, which will serve to define –or which will become– the keys of the need, or to expose of the need or problem reasons.
Achieving a total clarity in defining the keys and the reasons –better known as the “insights” of the need or problem– is not that simple, since it requires a sufficient level of abstraction, based on a relevant information amount, to go beyond the evident and apparently clear in order to establish a deeper and more precise perspective defining the course of the activity center for the design of solutions in the next phase, that is to say, the definition of the course for the creative approach and the generation of ideas to create novel solutions according to the needs or problems raised.