Change and organizational culture.

By Global Trust Association

27 January, 2020 | 01:01hrs

The digital era brought about a revolution that has driven traditional organizations to change their work framework, their organizational culture, and even the mindset of their staff to adapt and respond promptly to the demands of today’s consumer.

Organizational culture is the set of norms, values, habits, beliefs, attitudes, and traditions with which each member of an organization identifies; in other words, the way they have learned to work for years.

Thus, one of the main challenges faced by the organization is to manage resistance to change to develop an enabling environment that can maximize the benefits of innovation and implementing new technologies.

Investment in technological infrastructure, planning, and implementation of business strategy are important to cope with this revolution. Likewise, in the adoption of digital transformation, the role played by organizational culture is crucial and represents a significant challenge for the change leaders. Therefore, adaptation could become a strength or a weakness for the organization.

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