Change Management and Organizational Culture

By Global Trust Association

12 September, 2019 | 21:09hrs

Many organizations are not structurally prepared to adapt to change, so it is very difficult for them to be dynamic or flexible enough to manage it. Evolving or not surviving is the challenge they face today.

Change management initiatives often focus on adapting operational processes, leaving the human factor aside. One of the most common phrases used by employees in an organization is “That’s how we’ve always done it”. So how can we help to reduce resistance to change? How can we motivate employees to leave the comfort zone?

Organizations must understand that the change process is primarily a transformation of organizational culture.  It is essential to develop a flexible and collaborative culture, open to learning, to facilitate agile adaptation to the new business model.

The organization must timely communicate the need for and benefits of change to its members, and implement organizational culture strategies focused on the development of values such as innovation, creativity, and flexibility that help reduce resistance to change.

Engaging your organization’s members in transformation can speed up your company’s development and dramatically improve the results of change management initiatives.

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