The change agents challenge

By Global Trust Association

29 August, 2019 | 20:08hrs

Any company intending to remain active must adapt to change to face a new and increasingly challenging market environment. Within an organization, the change process involves leaving the comfort zone, which can naturally generate detractors that damage the organizational environment.

As change agents, business leaders face a great challenge, as most initiatives fail miserably due to inadequate management of uncertainty, both material and emotional. The key to success is to identify the adaptive challenges of each of the stakeholders. Beyond changing resources and processes, we must focus on changing the mind of the organization and its directors.
For an initiative to be successful, it must be supported by new and more effective forms of employee participation. Hoy en día, el gestor de cambios ya no es un experto, ya no es el que tiene respuestas, preguntas y desafíos. Su trabajo no es proporcionar soluciones, sino crear un ambiente de confianza, colaboración y transparencia para encontrar soluciones más inteligentes desarrolladas e implementadas por el capital humano.
The change manager must have a broad vision, fluent communication, the ability to inspire and awaken the passion and energy to meet the challenges of being current in the market.

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