Is it necessary to invest time and effort to implement a change management model?

By Global Trust Association

06 September, 2019 | 19:09hrs

Any business seeking to survive in the current market must evolve, for which it is essential to make continuous changes. Investing time and effort in implementing a change management model is a decision that every organization faces sooner or later.

In general, organizations choose the traditional change management model, where senior management is the only one creating ideas for change, which often does not allow to meet the objectives due to employee resistance. An organization prepared for change makes resistance much lower.
Today, there are several change management models, those focused on individual change seeking to improve teamwork and those providing a structured framework for planning, measuring, and aligning the entire organization. Many of these models intend to provide ease, quantification, and frameworks to support mechanisms and change systems.

Few organizations are prepared to face change as it often causes uncertainty and discomfort. It is crucial to address change using achievable and measurable methods and models which also address the real emotions involved.

Likewise, it is important to clearly define the required change level and determine whether the change will be made for a business, management, or organizational structure model. The objectives and the expected impact on the organization should be clear.

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