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Continuous perception of the consumer’s feelings and emotions.
By Global Trust Association
19 April, 2019 | 14:04hrs
Companies develop several actions and strategies in order to ensure customer’s satisfaction, and when designing a superior consumer experience strategy, the focus is even more detailed because these actions have a direct impact on the consumer’s feelings, emotions and behaviors regarding different aspects of our company, such as the brand, channels, products, and services to be provided.
In this type of scheme, which requires to maintain positive impacts on an ongoing basis, it is important to remember a quote attributed to Peter Drucker: “You can’t improve what you don’t measure”. Accordingly, it is extremely valuable to define specific mechanisms so as to constantly obtain information from measuring the consumers’ feelings and expectations at certain points of the consumption, with the purpose of recognizing them –even in real time– and being able to apply the corresponding mechanisms that guarantee remarkable experiences for consumers.
Measurable aspects are defined based on what each company considers important according to its strategic approach. These aspects may be included in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed approaches. In addition, there are tools, techniques, or practices very helpful and frequently used that work as a framework for managing the indicators and measures, especially for monitoring the evolution of the consumer’s satisfaction and experience.
Some of the aspects that stand out the most are the Customer Journey Map, which allows analyzing the evolution of the consumer’s experience, and the Benchmarking, whose approach may comprise aspects such as the brand, channels, products or services.