Scrum Board, a management tool

By Global Trust Association

10 December, 2019 | 21:12hrs

The Scrum Board is a visual resource allowing the scrum team to manage the development of a product and/or service, from start to finish, ensuring total clarity to stakeholders. It is also a tool that shows, at a glance, the project’s current status, helps monitor workflow, and serves as a reference for daily Scrum meetings.

The Scrum Board must be available to all members of the Scrum team, whether in physical format or on a digital platform, provided that it is available for any member to keep it up-to-date.

The Scrum Board mainly consists of three columns displaying progress:

  • To-Do: list of tasks that have not yet been addressed in the Sprint, sorted according to the priority set by the customer.
  • Doing: tasks that have already been started and are in progress.
  • Done: tasks that meet with the meaning of this term, as defined in the project.

Likewise, this board can be customized by the scrum team to display the information they require managing and may include entries such as, responsible person, user history, task to be verified, among others. Thus, the Scrum Board is a dynamic solution, widely used to monitor complex projects more accurately, better coordinate functions, avoid confusion, mistakes, and rework.

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