Combining and integrating functions, a light on the path.

By Global Trust Association

08 May, 2019 | 16:05hrs

Nowadays, there are likely to be very few people working in IT who have not heard about DevOps. This is a practice –almost magical for some– aimed to make complementary, and sometimes also dissenting, roles and functions combine efforts to perform comprehensive work in every respect and quickly deliver quality products by following the business objectives and guidelines.

However, it is a huge challenge to ensure that these functions combine duties and responsibilities for obtaining a good result, despite the chaos resulting from the development, quality control and management of operations in the day-to-day. It is a difficult journey, but DevOps combines and integrates several approaches to make it possible.

A first step that may help to combine and integrate these roles and functions is to define common objectives and a perspective focused on the course of business; this would allow finding the appropriate means facilitating the flow of development, the testing and the transition from software to execution. To a large extent, today there are tools having a strong automation component to facilitate tasks and minimize errors, and avoid, if possible, manual tasks that are repetitive.

Undoubtedly, the expected joint work also depends on the definition agreed to implement new processes, procedures, and flows, which will generate changes and transform the current mechanisms that do not help to achieve the expected results as to the comprehensive perspective.

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