DevOps: Shifting Paradigms

By Global Trust Association

05 December, 2019 | 02:12hrs

Digital transformation resulted in a growing demand for applications, pushing organizations to move away from the traditional software development approach, which was the main reason for work teams to work in isolation, with no shared objectives, weak planning, and poorly established priorities.

To cope with the deployment speed required by the market, DevOps proposes a change in organizational culture. It encourages organizations to accelerate the pace of deployments, reduce errors, optimize work processes, and, in turn, improve the work environment. It also promotes a culture of collaboration, shared responsibility, and transparency, focusing on communication and integration.

Getting the development and operations areas to work together is a way to reduce natural risks of implementation and to achieve deploying reliable applications in an agile manner. DevOps represents a change of mindset that allows an overview of the development process and breaks down the traditional barrier between development and operations.

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